Thursday, January 7, 2016

What Themes Would You Like To See On One Of Our Shirts?

What's your favorite pop-culture category? Comics? Books? Movies? Anime? Ink Squirt does it all! Fill out the survey on Facebook to see more from your favorite catagory! Got something more specific in mind? No problem! Contact Ink Squirt Designs at with your ideas and lets get you in the shirt you have always wanted but could never find! Ink-Squirt Shirts is also proud to announce our new Magneto Was Right and 10th Doctor shirts! Get yours today on your favorite color shirt! Phone cases and art prints also available for most designs!

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Rise and Fall of Big Johnson. 

by Jonny Coleman
"T-shirts from a time when you could get away with wearing your heart on your sleeve and didn't have to worry so much if you were being ironic, post-ironic, or normcore."

Monday, December 14, 2015